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10 items found matching 1948 Oldsmobile Futuramic Series 98 2 door Convertible in Fender & Fender Skirt Edging
Chrome Fender Welting - 50ft

p/n: 70-1102-44

Welting, fender, bright chrome vinyl, three sixteenths (3/16) inch bead, one and one half (1-1/2) inch width. Superior quality. Fifty (50) foot roll. Typically used to attach four (4) fenders to body. For twenty five (25) foot roll see #70-1101-44.

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Fender Welting 1/4" Bead - 50ft.

p/n: 70-1098-44

Fender Welting is typically used to attach four (4) fenders to body. A superior quality, proper construction of reinforced black vinyl over vinyl core. Measures one and three eighths (1-3/8) inch wide. Fifty (50') foot roll of one-fourth (1/4) inch bead.

In Stock
Fender Welting with 3/16" Bead - 50ft

p/n: 70-1100-44

A superior quality Fender Welting material constructed of reinforced black vinyl over a vinyl core. Typically used for attaching four (4) fenders to body. Sold in a 50 foot roll.

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Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip

p/n: 70-0154-45

This Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip pair is designed from the original part for superior fitment, finish, and seal. This weatherstrips fits between the rear wheel fender skirt and the rear fender quarter panel.

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Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip

p/n: 70-0289-45

This Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip pair is designed from the original part for superior fitment, finish, and seal. This weatherstrips fits between the rear wheel fender skirt and the rear fender quarter panel.

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Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip

p/n: 20-0111-44

This Fender Skirt Edge Weatherstrip pair is designed from the original part for superior fitment, finish and sealing function. Two five (5) foot strips that fit between the rear wheel fender skirt and rear quarter panel.

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Fender Welting 1/4" Bead - 25ft.

p/n: 70-1097-44

Fender Welting is typically used to attach two (2) fenders to body. A superior quality, proper construction of reinforced black vinyl over vinyl core. Measures one and three eighths (1-3/8) inch wide. Twenty-five (25') foot roll of one-fourth (1/4") inch bead.

In Stock
Chrome Fender Welting - 25ft

p/n: 70-1101-44

Welting, fender, bright chrome vinyl, three sixteenths (3/16) inch bead, one and one half (1-1/2) inch width. Superior quality. Twenty five (25) foot roll. Typically used to attach two (2) fenders to body. For fifty (50) foot roll see our #70-1102-44.

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Fender Welting with 3/16 Bead - 25ft.

p/n: 70-1099-44

A superior quality Fender Welting material constructed of reinforced black vinyl over a vinyl core. Typically used for attaching two (2) fenders to body. Sold in a twenty-five (25') foot roll.

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Chrome Molding Washer

p/n: 60-0727-45

Washer, for attaching chrome moldings on body. Fits into metal cup retainer. Three fourths (3/4) inch diameter, use as required.

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